Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November Vision Article

"Righteous God, you have taught us that the poor shall have your kingdom, and that the gentle-minded shall inherit the earth. Keep the church poor enough to preach to poor people, and humble enough to walk with the despised. Never weigh us down with property or accumulated funds. Save your church from vain display or lavish comforts, so that we may travel light and move through the world showing your generous love made known in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen"

This prayer, from the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship, reminds us to keep our stewardship campaign this month in perspective. As we fill out pledges card and make committee budgets we should remember that our goal is not to be a rich church. Rather we want to be a humble church that remembers that we are here to minister to the needs of the poorest people in our community.

I am reminded of a story in Mark. One day Jesus was watching people make contributions, one rich person after another put in large amounts. Then a poor widow threw in a penny. Jesus remarked that she gave sacrificially, everything she had to live on. Often in our evening service homeless people will come and will put a penny or two in the collection plate. This is all they have to live on.

As the economy of our country sours and more and more people lose their jobs and their homes the church will be needed to show the love of Jesus Christ to those who have lost everything. Your contributions to this church allow us to continue the ministries God has given us here in Eagle Rock. For your contributions to these ministries your church humbly gives thanks.

Already God is blessing our church in many ways for our care of the poor in our community through our evening service. Trader Joes in Glendale is donating food that we can use both for the evening dinner and to pass out to the hungry in our community. This is a rich blessing for us as our church grows. Please visit Trader Joes on Glendale Ave. and thank them for what they are doing.

God bless,


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