Wednesday, August 26, 2009

September Vision Article

Rev. Jeffrey T. Howard
September Vision Article
Eagle Rock Presbyterian Church
September 2009

Now the word of the LORD came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." Then I said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a boy'; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD." Then the LORD put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the LORD said to me, "Now I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:4-10)

These words from the prophet Jeremiah should be a reminder that each of us has been called by God to ministry. I believe that God has called me to preach and bring the congregation closer to God. And I believe that God has called each one of you to your own ministries. I would like to talk about a couple of ongoing ministries at our church which clearly demonstrate God's call in our lives.

The first is Vern’s ministry to the people of Eagle Rock Presbyterian Church. Vern is our Elder who cares for the 5:30 service. Vern has organized an evening choir and rehearses them each week. Usually, Vern is here late Sunday nights, mopping the floors and securing the evening offering. Then he drives people home from church. Vern gets no financial reward for doing all this. Nor does he get anything for helping our Korean members learn to pronounce English correctly, and taking on the heavy jobs for the Retreads. Vern does this because he loves God and loves this church. And I am certain the God is very pleased with what Vern is doing given the growth in our evening service.

Another is the ministry of Jack Goldhammer. Many of you may not know Jack. Jack was a member here many years ago. He has a passion to help the poor and homeless in our community. He has organized them into a team that cares for the sidewalks of Eagle Rock, including around the church. You can see Jack and his crew working most days weeding, trimming, watering and cleaning up around the roads and sidewalks of our community. And they can be seen here on Wednesday mornings helping the Retreads. Jack has a heart for our community and the most disadvantaged in it. He is doing God’s work.

These are just two of the remarkable people God is using in this church. There are many more. As your pastor I am grateful for all the volunteer effort which makes this place run. And I want all of you to remember that God is calling you to ministry too.

Pastor Jeff

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